Sunday, September 2, 2012


4-Oh-9 aka April 9th, 2012 came as a great day for the Mr. and I.  This was the day that our darling little Harper decided to join us.  Her arrival was the perfect end to a very life changing 9 months in so many ways.  I guess it seems when we decide to do something, we just do it, having a baby included.  It didn't take long after deciding it was time for a baby, that the reality of said baby was upon us.  The fact that we thought it would take much longer left us in a bit of time crunch to provide the perfect place to bring baby home to.

Our fun little downtown home was a great place for the two of us, with lots of conveniences, memories, stories and much much more, but it was in no way the place we envisioned bringing our little one home to.  This put us on quite the mission to start our quest for our new home and quickly at that.  We had long thought we would eventually make the trek to the beautiful Heber Valley.  We had actually attempted this a few years prior, but it just wouldn't come together.  I guess this is proof that it always happens when the timing is right.  We promptly listed our little home and started picking out the colors, textiles, and  fixtures for our new home.  We drove up weekly to monitor the process, excited with every new 2x4, wall and shingle.  The reality of selling our little home quickly diminished, and we were forced to make a few unexpected financial decisions, but in the end were able to keep our little city gem.  There was a great part of me that was relieved, I am very nostalgic about that place for many reasons.  It was our first home, we put blood, sweat and tears into that place to make it a home, I just couldn't see selling it.  This is where is our journey as landlords started.

As our new home was nearing completion we packed up the years and memories on Hawthorne, there were so many.  Moving day quickly came and we were blessed to have so many people show up to help us, I am grateful to all the people that came in those couple days.  The final trucks were loaded and headed Heber bound, the Mr. and I took a minute, just us at our first little home.  It was the most bittersweet moment of my life.  I was so sad to leave that little place, yet so excited to move into our new home.  The tears were endless on that drive 45 minute drive "home".

We quickly got moved in, well we got the basics in and the rest was moved into the garage.  To this day the home decor is bleak.  I figure I have the rest of my life to get entirely unpacked and decorate.  We were able to spend the next couple months just us and our first baby.....Dublin the monster dog.  We lunched, hiked, shopped, lunched, hiked, get the picture.  We were able to have our last couple months before Miss Harper just to enjoy each other and it was blissful.

Flash forward....4-Oh-9, she is here!  We had 4 whole weeks just the 4 of us(including the monster) to just hang out, again blissful.

We are now adjusting to our new life, with our precious girl, in our new town with all the ups and downs.This is where our new journey starts........

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